The ROI of Well-Being for Employers

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Employees are every organization’s most expensive and most valuable asset, yet we continually make thoughtless decisions (e.g., real estate, furnishings, etc.) that cripple their productivity and ignore the less visible but more impactful options. Employees are so valuable that an increase in productivity of just eight minutes a day, for a year, would entirely offset their annual occupancy costs. 

However, people cannot be engaged or perform their best when they are suffering physically or psychologically. Nearly 9 out of 10 employees suffer from one or more chronic conditions, yet most can be prevented with lifestyle changes. 

While more than 90 percent of employers feel that wellness and well-being programs improve employee performance, only 11 percent have made a strategic commitment to help their people lead healthier lives. 

The business case is clear: it is in an organization’s own best interests to invest in employee well-being.