Kate Lister and Kate North are workplace thought leaders and sought-after speakers
Unlocking the Future of Work: Trends, Strategies, and Tools for 2025 with Kate North
Five years since COVID-19 reshaped our lives, the workplace remains ever-evolving, navigating remote work, hybrid models, and in-office returns. Now the workplace plays a pivotal role in fostering engagement, productivity, and innovation.
HRCI Webinar, February 6, 2025
Enterprise Academy at Running Remote
Kate North, Brian Elliot, Sacha Connor, and Rosie Sargent put together a full day of incredible content specifically designed to help leaders of large and medium-sized companies solve their most pressing problems with the combination of remote, hybrid, and in-office work.
To preserve the privacy of the attendees, none of the Enterprise Academy were recorded.
Lisbon, Portugal (April 2024).
The Truth About the Distributed Work and the Fortune 1000
Dave Cairns has a virtual fireside chat with Kate Lister about the state of hybrid and remote work adoption among large and medium-sized employers around the globe.
Lisbon, Portugal and San Diego CA (April 2024)
Measuring the Impact of Remote/Hybrid Work
Kate Lister delivers keynote on how organizations can and should measure the impact of remote, hybrid, and in-office work on productivity, culture, engagement, innovation, and more.
Portalaise, Ireland
The Bottom Line on Productivity
Kate Lister offers attendees of this private user conference solid advice on how to measure and quantify productivity.
New Orleans LA
Season 2, Episode 1 of Lenovo Late Nite I.T.: Hybrid is Hard
In Episode 1 of the second season of Lenovo Late Nite I.T., Emmy Award Nominee Baratunde Thurston chats with Kate Lister, president of Global Workplace Analytics, and Ryan Anderson, VP of Global Research & Insights, MillerKnoll about why hybrid work is hard and what employers need to do to make it easier.
January 2023
Kate Lister on Lenovo Late Nite I.T. — Bonus reel on hybrid equity in meetings
Kate talks with Emmy Award Nominee Baratunde Thurston about ensuring remote and onsite employees an equal say during hybrid meetings.
January 2023
The Unintended Consequences of Remote/Hybrid Work
Workplace Evolutionaries’ Moshpit #159
The overnight shift to remote and hybrid work has had unintended consequences on commercial real estate, workers and workplaces, and the economy and society. Kate Lister shares the good, the bad, and the ugly for each.
Enjoy all the Workplace Evoloutionaries Moshpit episodes here!
During this highly interactive webinar, Kate North and Jeff Saunders eleased the lates findings from the 2023 IFMA Global Expert Assessment to identify the changes in our industry and what it means to those responsible for real estate and facilities. Includes a lively panel discussion with Savills experts that further expands the conversation.
Making Hybrid Work, Work Better
Workplace Evolutionaries’ Moshpit #108
Quick presentation by Kate Lister on what business leaders are worried about vs. what they should be worried about with the return to office, hybrid work, and remote work strategies. It’s followed by a lively Moshpit discussion among some of the world’s top workplace strategy leaders and thinkers led by David Grey and Jomal McNeal. Enjoy all the Workplace Evoloutionaries Moshpit episodes here!
June 17, 2022
Kate Lister, Ira Wolfe, and Jason Cochran delight in a lively conversation about the future of work on the podcast Geeks, Geezers, and Googlization
May 2022, 40 minutes
Are Tech Companies Driving the Future of Work
Much has been said about the Future of Work as the pandemic accelerated remote and flexible work strategies. In this video, TeamIt’s CEO Alistar Shepherd-Cross and Director of TeamIt’s Remote Performance Academy, Candace Giesbrecht, interviews Kate Lister, president of Global Workplace Analytics, a research-based consulting firm that has been helping organizations optimize flexible and distributed work for nearly two decades.
March 2022, 55 minutes
Cheddar News Interview with Kate Lister
Commentary on employees’ reaction to Apple decision to mandate employees return to the office at least three days a week.
August 24, 2022 (7 mins)
NorCal CoreNet Panel Discussion with:
Robert Teed, Founder, The Integri Group (Moderator)
Kate Lister, President, Global Workplace Analytics
Greg Fogg, Executive Managing Director, Cushman & Wakefield
Chandler Bonney, Director of Real Estate, Dropbox
Irene Thomas-Johnson, Executive Director, JLL
February 17, 2022 (60 mins)
CNBC interview with Kate Lister
Why the Great Resignation means hybrid work is here for good. Millions of U.S. workers are quitting their jobs in what some are calling the “Great Resignation.” Others, such as Kate Lister, president of Global Workplace Analytics, see it as the “Great Reevaluation,” as workers seek increased flexibility.
January 2022, 25 minutes
Local Now: Where are we with hybrid/remote work? Where are we headed?
December 2021, 3 mins
ABC News: Bosses vs. Employees
Bosses vs. Employees: Who will win the battle between working from the office, home, or elsewhere?
August 2021, 1 minute
The Business Case for Remote and Hybrid Work
Formulating the business case of providing more choice and flexibility to employees regarding where, when, and how they perform their work is one of the first steps in creating a sustainable, strategic change. Kate Lister makes a compelling, data-based case – here available as a recording for recap and review.
August 31, 2021, 60 minutes
Kate Lister talks about how hybrid meetings can exclude online participants
August 2021, 2 minutes
CNN: Financial workers told to get back to the office (2021)
CNN asks Kate what she thinks about companies that are mandating a return to the office. “If they’re not afraid, they should be,” when it comes to big banks losing workers over strict return to office policies, says Pres. of Global Workplace Analytics Kate Lister. Companies need to meet employee expectations for a hybrid work model or they’ll have “a rude awakening.”
June 2021, 6 minutes
The Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How of Work in a Post-Pandemic World
Kate Lister’s presentation (25 mins) at Remote by GitLab Conference
June 2021, 25 minutes
NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt: Working from Home Forever? May 2021
As many industries grapple with how to redesign office space to minimize health risks, this historic economic crisis is also forcing companies to cut costs with real estate on the chopping block.
May 2021, 2 minutes
The Future of Work – TheAgenda with Stephen Cole
For more than a year now, millions of people have been forced out of their offices by the pandemic to work from home. But is that a situation that’s here to stay? Or a temporary blip? An “aberration” as Goldman Sachs boss David Solomon has put it. In this episode of The Agenda, Stephen Cole considers the future of work, and asks what are the real benefits and potential pitfalls of a post-pandemic return to the office? Kate Lister, President of Global Workplace Analytics has been pressing for increased home-working for many years. She explains to Stephen how working from home can save employees three of their most precious commodities – their time, their money and even their sanity.
March 2021, 30 minutes
Hacking HR: Well-Being in a Remote World
Panel of experts discusses issues around well-being and remote work.
March 2021, 60 mins
CGTN Europe: The Agenda with Stephen Cole
For some, like Kate Lister, the President of Global Workplace Analytics, the current changes to our working practices are long overdue.
March 2021, 6 minutes
ABC Eyewitness News: Working from home saves money for workers and businesses
February 2021, 2 minutes
Kate interviews workplace leaders from Dell and ADP on remote/hybrid work best practices
In this panel discussion, Kate moderates a conversation with remote work pioneers Mohammed Chahdi, Director of HR Operations at Dell and Amy Freshman, Senior Director of HR at ADP, to learn how they’ve tackled hybrid work challenges in their organizations.
December 2020, 60 minutes
Kate Lister’s testimony before California’s Little Hoover Commission on transitioning state government workforce to permanent remote and hybrid work.
October 2020, 2+ hours
Wellbeing in the New World of Work, UnWired Conference 2020
WorkTech North America Conference: Work and home life are becoming increasingly blurred as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. This expert panel addresses the importance of health and wellbeing in the workforce, examines the unique challenges posed by COVID-19, and shares practical tools to help prioritize mental health and enhance the employee experience while working remote.
Kate Lister interviews Sara Escobar, Director, Workplace Experience for Netflix, and D Sharma, Co-Founder and CEO of WellnessCoach
October 2020, 60 mins
Dropbox Presents: Meet the Future of Work Experts
Dropbox debuted its Future of Work series with three experts including Kate Lister. Here she outlines the benefits of distributed work for organizations.
October 2020, 3 minutes
Russia TV: Telecommuting more productive than office work
The Covid pandemic has forced the world to embark on a remote-working experiment. Is it merely a test run or our new reality? Will it transform working life as we know it? We talked to Kate Lister, president of Global Workplace Analytics.
October 2020, 25 minutes
CNN Interview: Workers are leaving big cities for good. Here’s where they’re going.
September 2020, 4 minutes
Ricoh Canada Panel Discussion – Future Work Canada
The Next Normal … How Covid-19 is creating lasting impacts to the workplace Home worker sentiment leading into the close of 2020 has shown many desire continuing with flexible work arrangements as we get back to work and reopen for business. In addition, many organizations plan to shift a percentage of previously on-site employees to permanent remote positions post-COVID-19.
September 2020, 25 minutes
Telework: Benefits, Best Practices, Pitfalls
What are the benefits or the negative impacts for employers and employees? Best practice: Pre and post-Covid. What about the people who can’t work from home? Can they benefit from this societal change? Can the positive environmental benefits be retained and how do we do that? Our panel of experts answers these questions and more.
September 2020, 60 minutes
Kate interviews Remote Work Experts from Gitlab, Twitter, and Github (2020)
CoreNet Silicon Valley: Kate Lister explores best practices for remote/hybrid work with leaders Darren Murph from Gitlab, Sameer Pangrekar from Twitter, and Lara Owen from Github
August 2020, 60 mins
Congressional Testimony: The business case for post-pandemic telework in government?
Kate Lister was one of only three witnesses invited to testify before a US Senate committee on the potential for post-pandemic telework in government.
Download Kate’s written testimony for the Congressional Record.
July 2020
CNBC: How Employers Could Be Spying On You While Working From Home
Some managers and CEOs are turning to “productivity management” software to track their employees while they work from home. How do systems like this affect employees? And are there limits to the ways in which employers can track their workers in pursuit of productivity?
June 2020, 15 minutes
Kate Lister’s Presentation to Livable California Shows us the Future of Teleworking. She is an expert on the subject and shares recent poll data and the economic and environmental advantages of teleworking.
June 2020, 40 minutes
Recently, people in Utah had to quickly make severe changes to their work and personal lives in response to the pandemic. Those with jobs that could be performed remotely have probably adapted and found a good routine. What does this mean for those working in offices? What will that workspace look like, and how will it perform? We know it won’t be as it was prior to the pandemic and will probably go through a few evolutions before landing on something long-term.
George Mason University: Paradigm Shift – The Future of Work and Workplaces
Our workplaces have been disrupted like never before. The Global Work-from-Home Experience Survey was launched in April to answer many of the questions on the minds of workers, corporate executives, office building owners, property managers, and workplace designers. Join Kate Lister, one of the authors of this ground-breaking survey, the Center for Real Estate Entrepreneurship, and Executive Development of the George Mason University School of Business, in a discussion of data-based insights and forecasts on the future of work and workplaces.
May 2020, 50 minutes
Tips and Tricks for Working and Managing Remotely
K Talks by Knoll Panel Discussion—Designing and implementing a plan for remote work is both a challenge and an opportunity. Join us for a live panel discussion with leading flexible workplace strategists and researchers to learn how to jumpstart success for you and your team.
April 2020, 50 minutes
Working from Home: How to adjust to the new reality of remote working | Ep. 01
Learn about the challenges of working from home, remote work operations, and get solutions on how to manage your facilities with a small staff during the COVID-19 crisis.
April 2020, 50 minutes
Voice of America Interview with Kate Lister
Kate Lister, president of Global Workplace Analytics, talks with Voice of America about how work-from-home strategies are helping employers to continue operating during COVID-19.
April 2020, 20 minutes
Broadband and the Coronavirus Live Online
The viral growth of the fast-moving coronavirus COVID-19 within the United States is changing the face of Americans’ use of broadband for work, education, and confronting the digital divide.
March 2020, 60 minutes
CNBC interview about work-from-home trends during COVID-19
Social distancing regulations to combat the coronavirus outbreak are forcing millions of Americans to work remotely. However the trend of working at home has been on the rise of a while, with regular work at home growing 173 percent since 2005 according to Global Workplace Analytics. While research indicates the best work from home system requires 2-3 days in the office and 2-3 days at home, can employees still be productive during this outbreak? CNBC examines if the U.S. can still be productive while working from home.
March 2020, 20 minutes
The ROI of Hybrid and Remote Work
Transforming the Future of Work
Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Compucom on transforming the future of work
2020, 40 minutes
The Bottom-Line Impact of Workplace Flexibility
Workspan TV interviews Kate Lister about how to quantify the employer, employee, and environmental potential benefits of flexible work arrangements.
October 2019, 8 minutes
Here’s how telecommuting has evolved over the last decade
Telecommuting Could Save US $700B a Year (infographic slideshow).
October 2019, 1 minute
ABC-TV: Making It it San Diego – Telecommuting boom hits county
More commuters are becoming telecommuters.
July 2018, 5 minutes
The Bottom Line on Employee Productivity
iOffice Summit 2017, Keynote by Kate Lister
2017, 45 minutes
ABC News – Telework and the federal snow day
Global Workforce Analytics president Kate Lister discussed how telework could change the snow day for federal workers on Government Matters.
February 2016, 4 minutes
Workplace Evolutionaries at Bandimere Speedway
Workplace Evolutionaries, an IFMA community, at Bandimere Speedway in Denver where WE learned how collaboration leads to innovation to produce a winning strategy.
October 2015, 75 minutes
ACT/NCTR The State of Telework in U.S.
Telework continues to spark the interest of workers and workplaces. NetConference presenters Kate Lister from Global Workplace Analytics provides a synthesis of their latest research on the state of telework in the U.S.
August 2015, 60 minutes
What Drives Innovation in the Workplace?
WDM’s Bob Fox and Kathryn Nuss interview industry experts at a 2015 IFMA World Workplace gathering of Workplace Evolutionaries (WE) in Denver.
The ROI of Workplace / Employee Well-Being
WorkTech NY—”People cost far more than buildings and they can deliver far more than they cost. It’s time we started paying attention to what they need. This session will offer a model for quantifying the impact of work and place on employee wellbeing in terms of engagement, productivity, healthcare costs, and more.”
2014, 60 minutes
The ROI of Workplace Well-Being
Kate Lister makes the business case for workplace well-being at the Well Building Conference 2014 (conference teaser)
August 2014, 2 minutes
Tango Webinar – Defining and Communicating Workplace Personal ROI to the Workforce
In flexible and alternative workplace strategies such as telework and office hoteling, the individual workers face significant change and they need to understand the great benefits these changes bring. The expert panelists share their views and research on what these benefits to the individual are and then explore the methods and time to communicate those benefits to the workers.
June 2014, 60 minutes
Kate Lister discusses findings from a new tool that quantifies employer savings and increases in productivity from telework programs at the World at Work conference.
September 2010, 6-minute conference teaser
Telework as a Sustainability Option
April 2009, 1 minute teaser
Let Us Help You Make Your Workplace Strategy, Work Better
We can help optimize your workplace strategy for return to office, hybrid work, remote work, collaboration, innovation, and more.