Global Work-from-Home Experience Survey

– Global Work-from-Home Experience Survey Report (2020)

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Nearly 3,000 employees responded to the Global Work-from-Home Experience Survey between March 30th and April 24th, 2020 making it the largest global post-COVID employee survey to date. This 76-page report reveals:

– Who was working from home before COVID, who’s doing it now, who wants to in the future, and how often they want to do it
– What’s worked and what hasn’t
– Success enablers
– Technological enablers
– The effect of working at home on productivity, collaboration, and more
– The triple bottom line potential of work from home
– What percentage of employees would be willing to give up their desk to work from home
– Differences in the experience by generation, geography, company size, and employee role
– What the experience will mean to the future of the built environment

This groundbreaking survey was made possible by an unprecedented collaboration of individuals and industry associations with leadership from Workplace Evolutionaries (WE), a community within the International Facilities Management Association. WE is “changing the world one workplace at a time.”

The survey was created, administered, and analyzed by two of the most respected names in the industry, Kate Lister, president of Global Workplace Analytics, and Anita Kamouri, co-founder of Iometrics.